How My 20s Prepared Me For My 30s Part 1
Hello everyone,

I am so excited to share this blog with you all! As you can tell by the title, I am going to be talking about how my 20’s prepared me for my 30’s. It’s a little different from my previous writing but that’s ok, I love it when God throws a twist in my plans lol. Another reason why this blog is different is because I included more than me and my opinions. Lol! I reached out to four people who are in their 30’s, and I asked them a few questions about how their 20’s prepared them for their 30’s. We know that seasons are subject to change, but this is the question I would like to leave on your mind; Did you get all that you were supposed to get in the previous season before you moved on?
I believe I am in a better place emotionally, physically (my body is still trying to catch up, pray for her lol) and spiritually than I was a few years ago but something happened that caused me to cling even more to God. The different trials in those seasons felt like it was going to be the death of me at times, but I had to go through those hard seasons in my life to enjoy this moment I am in now. Even though I haven’t been in my 30’s that long, I can tell my mindset and priorities are way different than they were in my mid-20’s. Long story short, my 20’s were rough! I experience the death of my son’s father at a very young age making me a single mom, but in the same year, I came running back to the Father’s opened and stretched hands who was waiting for me. I struggled with my identity tremendously, but God is faithful and persistent. He wanted more from me and He wanted to show me who I was created to be. He loved me back to life and He is still loving me, reminding me who I am in Him and also helping me to walk in it. Yall, ya girl is walking with her head high… with heels and a crown. I appreciate my 20’s, but I am ready to explore all that God has for me in my 30’s. So, without further ado, let me introduce you to a few people that accepted my invitation to answer a few questions that can help those who may have reservations about turning 30 or those who are already in their 30’s but struggle to find that balance between where you are and where you think you should be.
The first person that I had the pleasure of interviewing was my awesome friend Maria. She and I met about six years ago at the 429 where we both served in the prayer ministry. She started off as my prayer leader, and our friendship grew from there. She’s married with two children. I remember when she invited a few people over to her home, and she shared her testimony. I learned that she was once in my shoes with the passing of her son’s father. She too lost her late husband when her son Carlos was five months. Since then, she’s remarried to an awesome man of God and inherited a beautiful daughter Allyson. If Maria never shared that detail about her early life, I would’ve never thought that they were a blended family because of the love of the Father that they show towards one another. So, let’s get started:
What’s your name?
My name is Maria Perez.
How old are you?
I’m 36 yrs. Old.
What is your occupation or what is it that you like to do for fun?
I’m a Health and Wellness Educator, specializing in essential oils.
Are you enjoying your 30’s so far?
I sure am.
If you can think back, are your 30s going the way you envisioned when you were in your 20’s?
Not at all, but this is not a bad thing. It is more than I imagined.
How is your 30’s different mentally and physically from your 20’s, if there is any change?
It is very different mentally and physically. It seems that in my 30’s I’ve done far more things I ever thought or imagined doing in my 20’s. Mentally I can say I’m more positive, confident, passionate, wiser, can discern, I look more for solutions when problems arise, find myself closer in my relationship with the Lord, try to understand more to name a few things. Physically, gosh I’ve worked out more in my 30’s than I ever did in my 20’s. And I think I eat healthier now than I did back then lol.
How do you think your 20’s prepared you for your 30’s? For example, you may have dealt with insecurity in your 20’s but gained confidence in your 30’s due to rejection or tests in your 20’s; you learned to love yourself and enjoy life in your 30’s.
My 20’s helped me become who I am now. It matured me fast. I experienced a life changing event that caused me to value my marriage even more now in my 30’s and not to take things for granted. It strengthened me and brought me into my relationship with our Lord Jesus. And my life is much richer because of that.
Is there anything you would like to tell those who are scared or worried about their 30’s?
Don’t be scared! Embrace every season and look at new things. Enjoy every moment. Do not take things for granted. Seek to live a healthier and active lifestyle. Age is just a number, in my opinion, what defines you is not a number but who you are in the Lord.
Thanks Maria for Sharing. God Bless You!
My next Contestant is Will. Lol. I remember Will from The 429 as well. Every time I saw him whether at The 429 or another ministry we attended together, he was always serving with a cheerful heart. Years later and I see his character didn’t go downhill but matured even more for the Kingdom of God. He always has the heart to help, or if he can’t help, he’ll find a way for you to get the help you need. Will is a Californian who moved to Texas and is now a resident of Georgia. Let’s hear what He has to say about his 20s and 30s.
What’s your name?
How old are you?
What is your occupation or what is it that you like to do for fun?
Operations Tech.
Are you enjoying your 30’s so far?
I am, however there have been a few bumps along the way…
If you can think back, are your 30’s going the way you envisioned when you were in your 20’s?
Not at all the way I envisioned when I was in my 20’s
How is your 30s different mentally and physically from your 20s, if there is any change?
I expected to be married with the house, picket fence, dog and cat by now, also working in a different position as well.
How do you think your 20’s prepared you for your 30’s? For example, you may have dealt with insecurity in your 20’s but gained confidence in your 30’s due to rejection or tests in your 20’s; you learned to love yourself and enjoy life in your 30’s.
Unfortunately, I was unaware of the proper ways to deal with the insecurities and other issues I was going through in my 20s. It wasn’t until my mid-30’s that I was able to connect with the right people who took time out to really invest in me; Giving me a “safe” environment where I could get real with them and actually begin the healing process from the deep rooted pain of my past.
Is there anything you would like to tell those who are scared or worried about their 30’s?
The best thing I could say is set goals and work toward them!!! Do not sit idle!!! Make sure you are setting both long and short term goals… Steve Harvey said it best “when you’re in your 20’s you have all kinds of energy, when you’re in your 50’s things slow down, so work hard in your 20’s to set yourself up for your 50’s. This is dear to me because though I haven’t reached the family goal yet, financially I’ve reached some goals, but I have more to go as I’m working hard to set myself up for my 40’s and 50’s.
One more thing I’d like to add is BALANCE, while I was in my 20’s and early 30’s I spent most of my time volunteering, helping others work on their dreams. This is a great thing, however when it came to my own personal dreams, I’m now behind so make sure you learn how to balance out helping others and focusing on what you need to do to get to where you want to go in life.
Will doesn’t know I took his quote but his email signature says, “Aspire to Inspire before you Expire!” I like that. Thank you Will and God Bless You Too!